Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Miss You..

...Guys ;A;


I don't like studying in Cheras .__. my friend's a strict person .___. and she keeps sounding me even if it's a tiny mistake ;A;

I'm always the victim ;A; my other friends wont get sounding from her .__. even if she sounds my friend, my friend will argue back, and then they'll start laughing .__. but if she sounds me, and i argue back, she'll sound me again .____.

I feel like i'm weak D: i became more sentimental than my usual self in Subang ._____. i was alot braver in Subang D: i could argue people back without hesitation D: but after i came to Cheras, i noticed that, i haven't been using foul words lately D:

My best friend sounds me for my own good, because i'm still lazy like the usual self in Subang, i dont do my homework and i dont pay attention in class, and i dont study lol XD;; but i got irritated by her sounding .___. it really makes me feel like leaving the school and going somewhere else D: *hint,hint,Subang,hint,hint* XD;; *shot*

There's not one day that i wont get any sounding from her D: And now i'm hoping for the holidays to come, so i wont get to see her face and let myself relax for a while (although i've been relaxing in school, but i dont like getting sounded .___.)

Since the holidays are coming, i might as well pay a visit to a friends house in Subang, it's been like months since i actually went to someone's house =A=

And i really hope i could shift school from Cheras to Subang so i can see the peacefully smiling and laughing faces of my friends :'D cos' i really missed you guys XD;;

I just dont wanna hear anymore sounding, cos' i get offended real easily orz;;

I mean, if i dont do my homework, just let me be, if i dont pay attention, let me be, it's okay to tell me once in a while to do this and that, but dont keep on sounding me about it everyday, i'll get annoyed, even if it's for my own good.

Urgh, there's still 9 months and a year left to go and to endure this D: i seriously regretted sitting next to my best friend =A= and yeah my best friend's sounding me, ALOT lol.

She would say things that could stab me in the heart with a wound that cannot be healed .___.

I missed my Form 3 years ;___; where my partner/friend doesn't really care what i do, but still informs me to do this and that once in a while, which i find it very comfortable sitting with her, although she's about 10 cm taller than me (i feel short when i'm around her LOL). She wouldn't even mind if i drew in class 8D. And she NEVER sounds me, AT ALL.

My memorable years in this Cheras school (although i've been living in this place for like 2 years + lol), would only be Form 3 since that's the one and only hilarious and fun year i had, it made me feel like home <3

URGH, conclusion made, I regretted moving to Cheras, I hate Cheras, I love Subang, I miss Subang, and I miss you guys, ALOT, WITH LOTS OF LOVE <3 >8D.

Actually before the new years, i planned on shifting school to Subang during somewhere around the February month. Why? hohoho~ cos' the Japanese students came during the 23rd of January~ wouldn't want to miss the opportunity *shot*

BUTTT sadly, my parents disagree for me to shift back, and they said it would be impossible because my mom didn't want to drive me here and there, and since my big bro finished his schooling session in Subang already, so my father wanted my mom to rest from driving us here and there, and that would be the reason why i'm not able to shift back to Subang =.= lame reason i know D:

Gah, god, give me the strength to sound back my friend without any arguments and fights D: so i wont go berserk .___. i am really close to being berserk D: and it's only've been 3 months. Wth.

Peace. ;A;v

P/S: My best friend is a really scary person .__.

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