Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Doesn't now what to put for titles anymore orz;;

Nothing much to report today lol D: just need to report on something which gave me this feeling i'm not sure what it is but it's between 'to want' and 'not to want'

lol D:

anyway, i'll just skip straight to the point lol.

'If you dont do your work and you just keep slacking, it would be best if we stop being friends.'

That was what the sounder said to me today.

...LOLL;; i looked at her and i just nod my head vigorously LOL as in like a half-happy-sad nod LOL;

'Should i say yes? LOL i have to make my choice wisely before anything actually happens LOL.'

I didnt want to give up my friendship with her due to reasons like below,

- Afraid if i'm not friends with her, her whole gang will hate me and their seats are pratically surrounding me in my seat orz;;
- I'm sitting beside with the sounder, even if i stop being friends with her, my mouth itches to talk to the person beside me orz;;
- We're pals
- When i shifted she was my second friend then later we became best friends XD;; (my first friend was my partner beside me when the time i shift, if you must know XD;;)

I think that's about the few reasons i have D:

Nothing else to type anymore cos there's nothing to talk about today D:

Need to start practicing on drawing for my doujin D: needs to work on anatomy D:


P/S: This is new, i've been updating for 3 straight days >lD

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