Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Header, He-header, Header, He-header *shot*

lol sorry had to take down that really old blog header because my blog needs a new one XD;;

I took the sketch out from my recent History paper *shot* doodled in there, because i wanted to upgrade on how i draw front facials, say lines as noses, no more! XD

And yes, i might have made Rai's hair a lil long D: too lazy to get it edited now so bleh, i'll just leave it like that lol *dies*

Why the sudden change of a new title for the blog and a new header?

Well, this is what has been going through my mind, it keeps looping and looping, replaying and replaying, so i thought, why not make it as my blog header? XD;;

What was going through my mind you'd say?

I think i was truly invisible to some certain friends of mine, i dont exist in their world anymore, or so i think it is lol *shot*

They don't seem to contact me to hang out with them anymore, cos' well, i might be a black sheep to them? hmm, not sure lol.

Prolly they've not seen how much i've changed since the last time i met them.

I noticed the changes, i wasn't as vulgar as i used to be, and i think people were afraid of me.

3 years was it? Was it 3 years since i last saw you guys? excluding the times that i came and visit you guys.

I was vulgar, aggresive and prolly rude, people was afraid/hated of me because of that.

But ever since i shifted, I have no idea why, but the vulgarity in me started to reduce.

Lol okay maybe you guys must've think why is this a matter to me? well, i've felt neglected and abandoned a few hundred times, prolly more than that, lol, so maybe i thought of expressing myself a lil with the header?

And prolly people dont like coming to my blog because it's boring? yes i agree, it is boring because i dont have the ability of being able to update every single day and being able to produce some really cool artsy stuff that could catch one's eye or even able to actually camwhore or even take a picture and post it in my blog lol.

Because well it's simple, I suck (you dont have to voice it out, just keep it to yourselves if i do suck, lol)

I suck at everything, so cut me some slack, i can't do anything, i'm hopeless, read my past previous post, then you'll get what i mean lol.

Will prolly get a happier header and change the title to a happier one when i feel like it XD;;


About school today, as usual got sounding, but nah it's okay for today, cos it was prolly my fault for accidently bumping onto her shirt with the sambal that was at the edge of my plate XD;;

And damn, i was so close into telling her what i've been wanting to tell, but at the end i couldn't, prolly because we laughed and had fun alot today LOL D8 *dies*

I'll give it another go when i feel uncomfortable with her sounding again :'D

Anyway, need to get back to work on my drawing D: it's still suckish no matter how many times i try to fix it, darn D:

Won't be telling you guys on what type of doujin i'm currently trying to work on, you'll prolly freak out if i do tell you lol.

If i'm not wrong there's err....about 5 doujins and a doujinshi that i've been trying to work on but has not made any progress of it? yes i'm a procrastinator, live with it :P *shot*

There's 1 collabration doujinshi that my ex-sensei invited me to join in with another friend of mine, no idea how we're gonna collabrate since we're technically studying in different schools orz;;


....which i will prolly procrastinate on it, again orz;;


P/S: are you happy now Xyn? i updated for 2 days straight D:

P/S/S: if i ever use 'yes i'm a procratinator, live with it' in real life during work, i'll prolly get fired LOL *shot*

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