Monday, March 16, 2009

It's a Fun and Happy, Sad and Tragic Day XD;;

March 15 2009

well yeah needed to update about an unforgettable day, which must have carved inside my brain XD;;

Well today i had alot of fun visiting a very dear friend(Nee) of mine's house 8D XD

At first went to another best friend(Xyn) of mine's house to wait for ANOTHER(lol) best friend(Cel) of mine to come and drive us to my very dear friend's house XD;; *shot*

Waited at Xyn's place, ate her very delicious home-made cakes :'D Xyn, make more >8D

Ate breakfast at Xyn's place XD;;, after waiting for a-very-long minutes, Cel with her parents came to drop us at Nee's place.

We chat, i was playing the guitar, i sang a lil orz;;, watched anime, and chat again which took 3 hours LOL *shot*

After that, it was 9.30 Cel went back home, then that leaves me, Nee, and Xyn to chat XD so it was 9.45, everybody went back home XD;;

While my mom is driving she asked If i wanted to eat something for dinner, since i told her i haven't had anything for dinner, i say yeah sure XD;; but my mom didnt buy anything to eat so i had to stay at home and search some food.

My mom called me down from the kitchen, and i went down, my mom gave me my all time favourite food, 'Birds Nest' (yeah you heard me >lD *shot*).

So while i was drinking 'Birds Nest', my mom took the leftovers to my aunt's place, which it takes seconds by car. So when my mom went out, I drank the whole Birds Nest, without leaving a trace, placed it at the sink and then drank some water.

In not more than 5 minutes, suddenly, my throat began to itch/burn, my lips was burning. I started to strangle myself.

I told my dad, he told me to drink more water, so i drank, but it's still the same,so i drank more and more, but it's still the same, my throat was itching/burning more, my lips was still burning.

After that, my entire body, started to itch, and i was scratching everywhere like a crazy monkey.

My mom sent me to a clinic as fast as possible.

On the way to the clinic, my nose, blocked, i couldn't breathe, i could only breathe through from my mouth, but still, it was hard to breathe even from the mouth.

In the clinic, i sat down, still scratching my entire body, because it was real itchy, if you were in my place you would've known how itchy i felt XD;; *shot*

Mom: 'Stop scratching!'

But sadly i couldn't it was really itchy, the nurse called me in to the doctor's room, the doctor immediately checked on my breathing to see if i was ok.

After that he took me to another room, which they've got these oxygen mask thingy, and he told me to breathe from it for 10 minutes, while breathing, i had to take an injection which wasn't really painful lol *shot* you don't wanna know where he inject anyway orz;;

So after 10 minutes, went back to the patient's seat.

Doctor: 'You breathing okay? Is it still hard to breathe?'
Me: 'Yeah, it's a lil bit better, but i feel like vomitting'

My mom explained to my doctor that i was allergic to dust, new paint, pollen, and fur orz;;

Doctor said it was prolly allergies, my mom asked if i need to be sent to the hospital.

Doctor: 'In this condition, she needs to be sent to the hospital.'

Doctor wrote something, not sure what it is, then checked out from the clinic.

Hoho, this is where thing's get messy.

Steped out from the clinic, i started feeling giddy, i started walking zig-zag-gy. My mom saw and quickly she lift my arm and carried me to the backseat of the car.

My eyes, started giving me this colour-blur vision. And my stomach, suddenly was in pain. I was moaning in pain, my mom told me not to make so much noise, cos she might bang into another car, she was worried sick.

On the way to the hospital, i couldn't moan anymore, it's like something heavy was pulling me down. My mom asked me questions, and i started answering her with this very very light tone with 'ugggh'.

Reached to the parking lot of the hospital, my mom went down and open the door for me, after that i realize i couldn't walk, my conscience was half lost. My mom puts me back in the car and drove to the hospital's entrance.

Two male nurses came with a wheel chair, i was having a hard time to actually go to the wheelchair although it's a few cm's away from me. What i've heard from my mom, tonnes of people was staring at me(lololol).

Went to the patient's bed, i couldn't get up from my wheelchair, the nurses asked me questions.

Nurse: 'What's the matter?'
Me: 'i..can't...seee'
Nurse: 'You can't speak?'
Me: 'i...can't...SEEeee'
Nurse: 'Oh you can't see.'


Both of the nurses was having problems carrying me to the patient's bed, so i had to force and drag my body to the bed, i couldn't move after that. My stomach was still in pain, cos i desperately needed to go to the toilet(lol wrong time to go to the loo D8). The doctor came, he asked my mom what happened, my mom told him everything. I was shivering on the bed, like i was really cold or something but i was not, it was my stomach pain that made me shiver that vigorously D:.

He took some injector i think, not sure, he placed in my arm, i was screaming in pain. And after that, this thingy, i think it's the I.V or something, lol, Sodium Chloride, was what i tasted in my mouth, weird, i think XD;;

My stomach was STILL in pain, so i had to 'eh-hem'. Went to the 'loo' and poo-ed. Felt better after that :'D(lolol sorry if you feel gross orz;;).

My mom was holding my left hand when the doctor injected me with something on my right hand XD;; My dad was holding my legs, lol cos i was moving around in pain XD;; *shot*

Talked to Cel through my cellphone, since Xyn, and Nee was literally sleeping D:, Cel was watching 'Red Cliff', so i was able to contact her, while the other two was sleeping soundly D:.

Doctor told my mom that i could go back (it was almost 1 a.m, stayed in the hospital for almost an hour i think XD), since those stuff like rashes or something, not sure, subsided, i could go back home :'D.

After that my mom realized that the Bird's Nest wasn't cleaned properly, manufacturers fault i tell you D:. The Bird's Nest was 'pure', that was the cause of the whole situation, cos when it's 'pure', you'll never know if the bird's leftover feathers would still be in the bird's nest (and yes sadly, after that incident, i've noticed that im allergic to feathers too =A=). When i was younger, it didnt happen to me because the Bird's Nest i had when i was younger was fake, lol (so i was eating fake the whole time? lolwhut D:).

My father couldn't believe it would be this serious, in fact he thought i was lying LOL, because he didn't believe after i ate Bird's Nest, the lips would burn (lol even i couldn't believe it D:), he said if it was chilli that i ate, he would have believed LOL.

I thought i could have died after that experience, it was seriously hard to breathe D8.

There was another time where i almost died XD;; *shot*. So this could've consider my second-lucky time :'D

*sigh* I was glad that i was alive, there's so many things i've not seen, feel and touch :'D, i kept praying to god to let me be alive, so i can keep drawing, playing guitar to get people inspired, touched, and motivated (somehow lol). Hangout with my beloved friends, and enjoy more quality time with family.

'Kay gaiz, need to sleep, it's 2.30 a.m., and i'm so very exhausted, woke up at 8.00a.m. to get ready to go Xyn's house tod- yesterday :'D.


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