Thursday, February 18, 2010


WOW, how long has it been since i last update this really dead blog of mine. LOL. Sorry for the really late update. D8>

Nothing much happened i guess, as usual, life's a bore, no progress on anything and such, reason why there arent any updates.

So it's CNY, and yet again, i lost big on gambling. LOL. Like real big. My cousins are such an ass, i just hate them. D:

Well not all of my cousins though, just THESE few peeps, long story short, they're an ass, end of story.

And well, that's my report of the day, reason why i updated this dead blog of mine is because im as bored as heck, brothers arent home. D:


Peace. :Dv

I'll never be able to reach it, never ever will. Do i have the potential? I dont think so.

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